Urban Movie - Treasure Hunt Activities
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Urban Movie

 Urban Movie

Film’s director for a day

Create a memory of your incentive trip to one of the Italian art cities!

The activity consists in shooting a short spot that can either treat the company’s values, its new products and services, or a subject discussed in a convention. With the support of our trainers the participants will have complete autonomy during each step of the creative process.

Urban Movie Making is an unbeatable instrument that brings cohesion to the team, making them work in an environment filled with joy and creativity.

How does the Urban Movie work?

The activity consists in making a short video spot that can either treat values of the company, new products and services, a subject discussed in an convention, or just tell the impressions of the visited town. With the support of our trainers the participants will have complete autonomy in each face of the creative process, from the first project to the final editing of the film.

Why Urban Movie is so special

With materials and technical support of Teamworking trainers, participants film their impressions of the city. They will create a commercial spot or a real short film based on an original idea, a plot and some protagonists. Movie Making is a great source of fun and entertainment. Participants will feel the excitement of being on a movie set, and the final result will be incredible!